Alaska-Divide starts 18th of August

The Alaska-Divide starts 18th of August.

Registration closes August 1st 2024, 23:59 AK time. In the registration process you first have to answer 14 questions about the Alaska-Divide route.…/

Photo: Alaska-Divide 2023, Daniele Modolo on the Dalton Hwy

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Important update AD 2024

We are no longer accepting direct registrations for this year’s Alaska-Divide.

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the extraordinary wilderness along the route from Anchorage to Deadhorse, spanning Hatcher Pass, the Denali Hwy, and the Dalton Hwy – the most northern and perilous highway in North America.

This exploration is your initial step toward registering for the 2024 Alaska-Divide.

Once you have successfully completed our QUESTIONNAIRE form, we will provide you with the link to access the registration form.

Photo: Denali Hwy, rider Irena Sosinska, AD2023

Last Cafe for 75 miles!

If you pass by the McKinley View Lodge in the evening, don’t ignore the sign. You will hardly make it to Cantwell before the shop there closes.

Next edition starts August 18th 2024

Photos from the Alaska-Divide 2023:
Radislav and Bernarda at the Lead Dog Coffee in Willow, which is also part of the Iditarod trail.
Continue on the route from Willow to Cantwell; traffic is minimal to none. If you see any vehicle, it’s most likely a truck transporting goods.

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Photos from the Alaska-Divide 2023

Hatcher Pass, 3886 feet. And an old mining town.

Start for the 3rd edition: 18th August 2024

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3 finisher at the 2nd Alaska-Divide

Radislav is the only solo rider who completed this year’s edition of the AD. He covered the last 350miles to the finish line using just one pedal! After the right pedal broke, he could stand on the axle only. He faced heavy rain near the Coldfoot area, which is the final resupply point for the next 240 miles. He encountered severe weather on the Atigun pass, with snowfall and strong headwinds. He reached Deadhorse after 10 days of riding.

Daniele and Nicola began as solo riders, but they finished the race together as a pair, cycling the entire route side by side. They mentioned, “We are good friends now.”

Unfortunately Bernarda was disqualified from the race because she received assistance from a third party during the course.

Irena had to withdraw from the adventure on the fourth day due to illness. She spent two days at the Yukon River camp dealing with a fever and breathing problems. She confidently stated, “I will definitely return again!”

The next edition start will be 18th of August 2024. Registration will open soon.

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The Alaska-Divide is on day 4

Bernarda and Irena are leading the adventure and having a race. While Bernarda was riding without stop 2 days, Irena was sleeping more then 5 hours at a lodge before heading to the Denali Hwy. At the end of day 2 both riders met almost the same time at the Tangle Lake Lodge. This morning they left North Pole and are currently on the Elliott Hwy and soon on the Dalton Hwy. No mobile connection, no internet, very limited services.

While Bernarda was cycling trough the first night, she had problems to find food on the route and since yesterday Irena is cycling with pain in the achilles tendon and fever.

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Waiting for the bikes

Stuck in Anchorage. Bikes are missing. 4 Bike boxes on the same flight did not arrived in Anchorage and no information where they are. The system say: “We are searching for your luggage”. Exploring Anchorage by bike, checking the start section out of Anchorage by bike was the plan. Missing all the gear, bicycles, sleeping bag, tent… using a car instead of our bikes.

Fingers crossed the bike boxes will show up here today that we can start in 24 hours.

#CondorAirlines #alaskadivide2023 #rusjanbag #denali #denalihighway #cyclingalaska #lastfrontier #alaska #daltonhighway #daedhorse #northernlights #loneliestroad #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #ultracycling #ultraendurancecycling #cyclinglife #rower #ciclismo #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #gravel #gravelbike #transbikeadventures #alaskaadventures #explorealaska #alaskadivide