Congratulations to the third finisher of the inaugural Alaska-Divide!

Miroslav Franek is the third rider to make it to Deadhorse.

He covered 1050 miles and 30,000 meters of climbing in 6 days 19 hours, and 43 mins.

Congratulations Miroslav!

Miroslav Franek at the start of the inaugural Alaska-Divide, Anchorage 14th August 2022. Photo by: Andi Buchs

#alaskadivide2022 #rusjanbag #denali #denalihighway #cyclingalaska #lastfrontier #dalton #alaska #daltonhighway #daedhorse #wilderness #northernlights #loneliestroad #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #ultracycling #rusjanshop #ultraendurancecycling #cyclinglife #rower #ciclismo #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #gravel #gravelbike #rowery #transbikeadventures

Congratulations to Irena Sosinska

Irena Sosinska is the second rider to complete the inaugural Alaska-Divide!

Irena rode from Anchorage to Deadhorse covering 1050 miles in a total of 6 days 16 hours and 43 mins.


Irena at the finish line in Deadhorse,AK

#alaskadivide2022 #rusjanbag #denali #denalihighway #cyclingalaska #lastfrontier #alaska #daltonhighway #daedhorse #northernlights #loneliestroad #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #ultracycling #ultraendurancecycling #cyclinglife #rower #ciclismo #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #gravel #gravelbike #transbikeadventures #alaskaadventures #explorealaska #alaskadivide

Massive congratulations to Pavel Macháček!

Congratulations to the first finisher of the inaugural Alaska-Divide, Pavel Macháček!

Pavel smashed 1686km (1050 miles) with 30,000 meters of climbing in just 5 days 9 hours and 58 mins.


Pavel at the finish line in Deadhorse.

#alaskadivide2022 #rusjanbag #denali #denalihighway #cyclingalaska #lastfrontier #dalton #alaska #daltonhighway #daedhorse #wilderness #northernlights #loneliestroad #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #ultracycling #rusjanshop #ultraendurancecycling #cyclinglife #rower #ciclismo #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #gravel #gravelbike #rowery #transbikeadventures

Official results

With Andrew arriving in Deadhorse, the Alaska-Divide is finished. It was a blast to cycle on this route and we will come back. Even though a lot of the route is now paved, it’s still a challenging and remote route. The loneliness and landscapes are awesome.

You find the official results here:

We will post more photos from this edition in the coming weeks.

#alaskadivide2022 #rusjanbag #denali #denalihighway #cyclingalaska #lastfrontier #dalton #alaska #daltonhighway #daedhorse #wilderness #northernlights #loneliestroad #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #ultracycling #rusjanshop #ultraendurancecycling #cyclinglife #rower #ciclismo #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #gravel #gravelbike #rowery #transbikeadventures

Last minute registrations

6 days to the start of the Alaska-Divide. Some impressions from the first 100km.

Since many riders will not show up at the start, we take last minute registration till Friday evening August 12th.
Only if you plan to start and you have your own tracker: send us a message to

photos: June 2022

#alaskadivide2022 #rusjanbag #denali #denalihighway #cyclingalaska #lastfrontier #dalton #alaska #daltonhighway #daedhorse #wilderness #northernlights #loneliestroad #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #ultracycling #rusjanshop #ultraendurancecycling #cyclinglife #rower #ciclismo #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #gravel #gravelbike #rowery #transbikeadventures

Hatcher pass

Hatcher pass 3886 feet some weeks ago. The climb starts after Parker.

Registered riders:
Please don’t forget to send us your tracker information with the rider form till tomorrow.

#alaskadivide2022 #rusjanbag #denali #denalihighway #cyclingalaska #lastfrontier #dalton #alaska #daltonhighway #daedhorse #wilderness #northernlights #loneliestroad #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #ultracycling #rusjanshop #ultraendurancecycling #cyclinglife #rower #ciclismo #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #gravel #gravelbike #rowery #transbikeadventures

Please check your email

Emails with route book and route file access sent.
Please check your email.

photo: on the route this June….

#alaskadivide2022 #rusjanbag #denali #denalihighway #cyclingalaska #lastfrontier #dalton #alaska #daltonhighway #daedhorse #wilderness #northernlights #loneliestroad #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #ultracycling #rusjanshop #ultraendurancecycling #cyclinglife #rower #ciclismo #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #gravel #gravelbike #rowery #transbikeadventures

The most northern road of America

Meeting: 13.08.2022 in Anchorage
Start: 14.08.2022 in Anchorage
Finish: Deadhorse Alaska – the end of the Dalton highway
the most northern road of America

#alaskadivide2022 #rusjanbag #denali #denalihighway #cyclingalaska #lastfrontier #dalton #alaska #daltonhighway #daedhorse #wilderness #northernlights #loneliestroad #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #ultracycling #rusjanshop #ultraendurancecycling #cyclinglife #rower #ciclismo #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #gravel #gravelbike #rowery #transbikeadventures

Registration is open

We are pleased to announce that the registration for the inaugural Alaska-Divide 2021 is now open!

Registrations for 2020 are transferd for 2021.

#alaskadivide2021 #rusjanbags #denali #denalihighway #lastfrontier #dalton #daltonhighway #alaska #deadhorse #wilderness #northernlights #loneiestroad #bikepacking #ultraendurance #ultracycling #longdistancecycling #endurance #cyclist #bikewander #bikepackinglife #ciclismo #adventurecycling #travel #adventure #ultraendurancecycling #rower #vélo